Yapped [noun, verb]

Definition of Yapped:

talk a lot

Synonyms of Yapped:

Opposite/Antonyms of Yapped:


Sentence/Example of Yapped:

So she stopped to bully Two Tails in his pickets, and yapped round his big feet.

A number of dogs, as many as seven, snapped and yapped about his shin-bones.

Mr. Bull, he yapped like a coyote, full of glory's if he'd captured me himself.

The Indian Pack-Dogs snarled at his presence, and yapped crabbedly.

“Yes, you did,” yapped Dig, who now that he was to finger his winnings had perked up wonderfully.

He hated all dogs, but especially little ones, because they were so elusive when they yapped at his heels.

Rags, from the outside, sniffing at the threshold, sensed their approach and yapped joyously.

The tan-and-white, spotted dog ran to and fro chasing field-mice and yapped.

"Ye hain't done yit," he shouted into their maddened faces as they crowded and yapped about him.

He sat at the gate in summer, and yapped at every vehicle and every pedestrian who ventured to pass on the high road.