anachronism [noun]

Definition of anachronism:

  • A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
  • An act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.

Synonyms of anachronism:

Opposite/Antonyms of anachronism:

Sentence/Example of anachronism:

The presence of a smartphone in the historical drama was an obvious anachronism.

Wearing a top hat and tails in the 21st century is seen as an anachronism.

The film's depiction of medieval knights using firearms was criticized for being an anachronism.

The use of modern slang in the period piece was considered an anachronism.

Anachronisms in literature can sometimes be used for comedic effect.

The historian pointed out the anachronism of the depiction of ancient Romans using forks.

The presence of electric lights in the Victorian-era setting was an anachronism.

The director intentionally included anachronisms to create a surreal atmosphere.

Finding a digital clock in the 19th-century-themed room was quite the anachronism.

The playwright was criticized for the anachronism of including a laptop in a 1940s setting.

The costume designer avoided anachronisms by thoroughly researching the era.

The novel's anachronisms detracted from its historical accuracy.

Despite its anachronism, the steampunk aesthetic has a dedicated following.

Anachronisms can sometimes reflect the author's lack of historical knowledge.

The painting showed an anachronism with a Renaissance figure wearing a wristwatch.

The show's anachronisms were deliberate, meant to highlight its fantastical elements.

An anachronism in the script had characters using futuristic technology in a medieval setting.

The anachronism of a character mentioning a car in the 1600s was jarring.

The historian explained how anachronisms can alter our perception of past events.

Despite the anachronism, the inclusion of a modern soundtrack gave the film a unique feel.