autodidact [noun]

Definition of autodidact:

  • A person who has taught himself
  • A person who has learned a subject without the benefit of a teacher or formal education; a self-taught person.

Synonyms of autodidact:

Opposite/Antonyms of autodidact:

Sentence/Example of autodidact:

As an autodidact, he mastered several languages without ever taking a formal class.

Her success in programming is impressive, especially considering she's an autodidact.

The artist, an autodidact, developed a unique style that was entirely self-taught.

Many famous inventors were autodidacts, driven by curiosity and experimentation.

He prided himself on being an autodidact, learning everything from books and online resources.

Despite never attending university, the autodidact became an expert in quantum physics.

She read voraciously, embodying the spirit of an autodidact in her pursuit of knowledge.

The autodidact sculptor's works are now displayed in galleries around the world.

His autodidact nature allowed him to innovate in ways that formally trained individuals often did not.

She often shared her journey as an autodidact, inspiring others to pursue self-education.