ballyhoo [noun]

Definition of ballyhoo:

  • A loud and exaggerated fuss or publicity.
  • Sensational or extravagant claims typically made to attract attention.

Synonyms of ballyhoo:

Opposite/Antonyms of ballyhoo:

Sentence/Example of ballyhoo:

The new product launch was accompanied by a lot of ballyhoo in the media.

Despite all the ballyhoo, the movie failed to impress critics.

The politician's campaign was full of ballyhoo but lacked substance.

There was a ballyhoo about the celebrity's appearance at the event.

The festival began with much ballyhoo and excitement.

The ballyhoo surrounding the concert made it a sell-out.

He ignored the ballyhoo and focused on the facts.

The advertisement was full of ballyhoo, promising more than it could deliver.

The ballyhoo in the press was designed to boost ticket sales.

After the initial ballyhoo died down, the product's flaws became apparent.