barbarous [adjective]

Definition of barbarous:

  • Savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal.
  • Primitive and uncivilized.
  • Lacking refinement or culture.

Synonyms of barbarous:

Opposite/Antonyms of barbarous:

Sentence/Example of barbarous:

The barbarous actions of the invaders shocked the world.

He was known for his barbarous behavior on the battlefield.

The treatment of prisoners was barbarous and inhumane.

The tribe was depicted as barbarous in the ancient texts.

The conquerors were barbarous in their methods, showing no mercy.

The film depicted a barbarous society with no regard for human life.

The punishment was barbarous, far exceeding the crime.

The dictator's regime was marked by barbarous acts of violence.

The barbarous killing of innocent people horrified the nation.

The invaders left a trail of barbarous destruction in their wake.

The barbarous customs of the tribe included human sacrifice.

The cruelty of the act was nothing short of barbarous.

The novel described the barbarous conditions of the medieval prison.

The barbarous behavior of the pirates was feared across the seas.

The soldier's barbarous actions were condemned by his peers.

The barbarous practice of slavery persisted for centuries.

The barbarous attack left the village in ruins.

The judge decried the barbarous nature of the crime.

The barbarous treatment of animals at the facility was exposed.

The film showed the barbarous reality of life in the war zone.

The barbarous methods used by the regime were revealed in the report.

The villagers lived in fear of the barbarous warlord.

The barbarous conditions in the labor camp were appalling.

The barbarous assault left the victim with severe injuries.

The historian wrote about the barbarous invasions of the past.