benison [noun]

Definition of benison:

  • A blessing or a prayer for someone's well-being and good fortune.
  • A formal expression of approval or good wishes.

Synonyms of benison:

Opposite/Antonyms of benison:

Sentence/Example of benison:

The old woman offered a benison to the travelers, wishing them safe passage.

The king bestowed his benison upon the newly married couple.

May your journey be filled with joy and may good fortune follow you – a heartfelt benison from your friend.

The teacher ended the class with a benison, encouraging her students to pursue their dreams.

He knelt before the shrine, seeking a benison for his ailing mother.

The weathered hands of the elder offered a benison, their touch imbued with a lifetime of wisdom.

With a solemn voice, the priest pronounced a benison, filling the air with a sense of peace.

Though unspoken, the mother's loving gaze held a benison for her child embarking on a new adventure.

The sight of a rainbow after the storm was seen as a benison, a promise of better days ahead.

In a world filled with negativity, a simple benison can offer a glimmer of hope and encouragement.

Nature bestowed its benison upon the land, bringing forth a bountiful harvest.

The scientist's discovery was a benison for humanity, offering a potential cure for a deadly disease.

The arrival of spring was a benison, a time of renewal and fresh beginnings.

The unexpected kindness of a stranger was a benison on a difficult day.

The laughter of children filled the room, a beautiful benison of pure joy.