bravado [noun]

Definition of bravado:

(noun) A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.

Synonyms of bravado:

Opposite/Antonyms of bravado:

Sentence/Example of bravado:

His bravado in the face of danger impressed his friends.

Despite his bravado, he was actually quite nervous about the performance.

The pirate's bravado masked his true intentions.

Her bravado was apparent as she challenged the authority figure in the meeting.

He used bravado to hide his insecurities from his peers.

The bravado of the young soldier inspired his comrades.

She admired his bravado but wished he would act more sensibly.

His bravado often got him into trouble with the law.

The teenager's bravado faded when he faced real danger.

The politician's bravado during the debate won him many supporters.