dandle [verb]

Definition of dandle:

To move (a baby or small child) up and down in a playful or affectionate way; to pamper or indulge someone, especially in a playful manner.

Synonyms of dandle:

Opposite/Antonyms of dandle:

Sentence/Example of dandle:

She dandled her newborn niece gently in her arms.

The grandfather loved to dandle his grandchildren on his knee.

The mother dandled the baby to soothe her to sleep.

He dandled the puppy in his lap, laughing at its playful antics.

The nanny dandled the toddler while singing a lullaby.

She dandled the kitten in her hands, stroking its fur lovingly.

The father dandled his daughter on his shoulders during the parade.

The babysitter dandled the infant in the rocking chair.

The princess dandled her pet rabbit as she strolled through the garden.

He dandled the injured bird gently in his palms before releasing it back into the wild.