effusive [adjective]

Definition of effusive:

  • Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner
  • Pouring out or overflowing

Synonyms of effusive:

Opposite/Antonyms of effusive:

Sentence/Example of effusive:

She gave an effusive thank you speech at her retirement party.

His effusive praise made everyone in the team feel appreciated.

The effusive welcome they received made them feel right at home.

Her effusive personality made her popular at social gatherings.

He was effusive in his admiration for the new artwork.

The critic's review was effusive, highlighting the film's many strengths.

She was effusive in her gratitude for the surprise birthday party.

The child's effusive excitement on Christmas morning was contagious.

His effusive display of affection embarrassed his reserved partner.

The letter was filled with effusive compliments and heartfelt thanks.