extenuate [verb]

Definition of extenuate:

  • To lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by providing partial excuses.
  • To make something seem less serious or more forgivable.

Synonyms of extenuate:

Opposite/Antonyms of extenuate:

Sentence/Example of extenuate:

The judge decided to extenuate the defendant's sentence due to his clean criminal record.

She tried to extenuate her mistake by explaining the difficult circumstances.

His good behavior in prison helped to extenuate the severity of his punishment.

The company sought to extenuate the damage caused by the scandal through a public apology.

He tried to extenuate his absence from the meeting by citing a family emergency.

The lawyer presented evidence to extenuate her client's actions.

They attempted to extenuate their tardiness by blaming heavy traffic.

The teacher agreed to extenuate the student's late submission because of illness.

Her apology helped to extenuate the offense in the eyes of her friends.

The report aimed to extenuate the environmental impact of the new project.