hortatory [adjective]

Definition of hortatory:

Urging or strongly encouraging action or conduct.

Synonyms of hortatory:

Opposite/Antonyms of hortatory:

Sentence/Example of hortatory:

The coach’s hortatory speech inspired the team to play their best.

Her hortatory words encouraged the students to pursue higher education.

The politician's hortatory address focused on the importance of voting.

His hortatory messages often moved his congregation to action.

The leader's hortatory appeal motivated the volunteers to work harder.

Despite the hortatory tone of the campaign, few people showed up to vote.

Her hortatory advice helped me decide to take the job offer.

The hortatory nature of his speech rallied the crowd.

The teacher's hortatory comments encouraged the students to participate more.

The general's hortatory orders boosted the morale of the troops.

His hortatory letter convinced many to donate to the cause.

The hortatory speech at the graduation ceremony was well-received.

She gave a hortatory talk about the benefits of healthy eating.

The hortatory message in the book inspired readers to make changes in their lives.

His hortatory sermon emphasized the importance of kindness and charity.

The hortatory campaign aimed to increase public awareness about climate change.

Her hortatory plea for peace resonated with many.

The hortatory guidance from the mentor was invaluable to the young entrepreneur.

The hortatory speech emphasized the need for community involvement.

Despite his hortatory efforts, the initiative failed to gain traction.