recalcitrant [adjective]

Definition of recalcitrant:

Resisting authority or control; stubbornly defiant.

Synonyms of recalcitrant:

Opposite/Antonyms of recalcitrant:

Sentence/Example of recalcitrant:

Despite numerous warnings, the recalcitrant student refused to follow the school's rules.

The recalcitrant employee continually ignored company policies, causing frustration among the management team.

The recalcitrant dog would not obey commands, no matter how many times his owner tried to train him.

The recalcitrant patient resisted all attempts at treatment, making it difficult for doctors to provide effective care.

The recalcitrant child threw a tantrum when asked to clean his room.

Despite the new regulations, some recalcitrant businesses continued to flout the environmental laws.

The recalcitrant attitude of the team member slowed down the progress of the project.

Her recalcitrant behavior during the meeting was unexpected and disrupted the entire discussion.

The recalcitrant tenant refused to pay rent, leading to a lengthy legal dispute with the landlord.

His recalcitrant stance on the policy changes made it difficult for the committee to reach a consensus.

The recalcitrant witness would not cooperate with the police investigation.

The recalcitrant attitude of some students made it challenging for the teacher to maintain order in the classroom.

Despite the financial incentives, the recalcitrant investor refused to support the new venture.

The recalcitrant nature of the machinery required frequent maintenance and repairs.

The recalcitrant teenager defied her parents' curfew, leading to a series of arguments.

Efforts to reform the recalcitrant political party met with little success.

The recalcitrant attitude of the negotiator prolonged the talks and delayed the agreement.

Her recalcitrant behavior towards authority figures was a source of concern for her mentors.

The recalcitrant software developer resisted adopting new coding standards, which affected the project's efficiency.

The recalcitrant nature of the situation made it difficult for the mediator to resolve the conflict between the parties involved.

The recalcitrant child refused to go to bed.

The recalcitrant employee refused to follow the company's rules.

The recalcitrant horse would not move forward.

The recalcitrant teenager refused to do his homework.

The recalcitrant patient refused to take his medication.

The recalcitrant dog would not sit or stay.

The recalcitrant student refused to listen to the teacher.

The recalcitrant prisoner refused to cooperate with the guards.

The recalcitrant employee refused to accept the new policy.

The recalcitrant horse would not jump the fence.

The recalcitrant teenager refused to go to school.

The recalcitrant patient refused to undergo surgery.

The recalcitrant dog would not stop barking.

The recalcitrant student refused to do the assignment.

The recalcitrant prisoner refused to eat the prison food.

The recalcitrant employee refused to work overtime.

The recalcitrant horse would not let the vet examine it.

The recalcitrant teenager refused to go to bed.

The recalcitrant patient refused to leave the hospital.

The recalcitrant dog would not stop pulling on the leash.