sapid [adjective]

Definition of sapid:

full of flavor

Synonyms of sapid:

Opposite/Antonyms of sapid:

Sentence/Example of sapid:

We had all the preconditions for a long and sapid conversation.

But I speak of the cruet sauces, where the quintessence of the sapid is condensed in a phial.

I prefer the above method for the reason given; gentle stewing renders meat, &c. tender, and still leaves it sapid and nutritive.

Organized charity is a sapid and savorless thing; its place among moral agencies is no higher than that of root beer.

We perceive no taste, unless the sapid body be applied to the tongue, or some part of the organ of taste.

Sapid, sap′id, adj. well-tasted: savoury: that affects the taste.

The cup furnishes a thin film like swan-skin which imbibes the sapid exudations from the stem, the source of nourishment.

Soft, sheep, sapid and extremely oily as the superlative ão implies.

It will be difficult to distinguish it from the Sapid mushroom and for table purposes there is little need to separate them.

Pure water is neither sapid nor odorous, equivalent to Water is not sapid; Water is not odorous.