whilom [noun]

Definition of whilom:

Formerly; once; of old; erewhile; at times.

Synonyms of whilom:

Opposite/Antonyms of whilom:

Sentence/Example of whilom:

We may misuse it, but we can scarce do worse in this respect than our whilom masters.

Why should this man, this whilom friend of his, have everything?

Not only should they covenant to give no aid to the whilom??

He was sorry to hear that his whilom chums, the "captain" and "lieutenant," were ill.

Selma, my whilom Finnish friend, was having her banns published.

His whilom friend, conscience, came back and gibbered at him.

The two whilom owners of silver watches opened their eyes wide.

"It's this wye, sir," said his whilom chauffeur, taking grace of words.

A leaden doggedness had taken the place of his whilom good nature.

It was my whilom friend, our ancient scientist, Von Rittenhofen!