Booze [noun]

Definition of Booze:


Synonyms of Booze:

Opposite/Antonyms of Booze:


Sentence/Example of Booze:

Their stay in the Capitol — complete with staining the walls with bacon grease, swinging from ropes hanging from the dome and debating if they should ask for more booze — generated enormous anxiety for the people who worked in its halls.

It became a kind of contest for fans to make it to the website, upping the ante on stunts and booze consumption.

The frosting, which also includes booze, came together well and set up nicely.

Ive seen a lot of booze-fighters, and helped tuck some of them underground, but I never saw any rum hound just like this guy.

When Tarbell discovered him he had cut out the booze, had grown a beard, and was thirsting for vengeance.

At any graft, no matter what,Your merry goblins soon stravag: Booze and the blowens cop the lot.

You vas too mooch oof a feller for der booze, und dot's vat's blayed der tickens mit you.

Not the type out for the booze, just bright youngsters who were going on the boulevards out of curiosity.

Plentifully supplied with ammunition and "booze," the cowardly deputies lay hidden in this ambush.

Everything was strictly booze- and drug-free, to keep the organizers from getting busted on some kind of corruption of minors rap.