Denominator [noun]

Definition of Denominator:

unit of the mathematical system

Synonyms of Denominator:

Opposite/Antonyms of Denominator:




Sentence/Example of Denominator:

The denominator was 7,381 because that was the sum of the smallest set of integers satisfying the ratios in the problem.

If the number of actual cases stays flat and you test more, you would expect the positivity rate to decrease essentially because the denominator is getting bigger.

Numbers with large powers of p in the numerators are small, and numbers with larger powers of p in the denominators are large.

Part of the goal of the Covid-19 dashboard has been to figure out those denominators in order to draw conclusions about prevalence and risk.

That was the numerator for our probability, while the denominator was N3.

The denominator will be of the form 2n where n is the number of generations.

Being a universal common denominator of all theories, it cancels out of all of them alike.

In a fortuitous assembly of such people the lowest common denominator of morality is easily adopted as the standard.

Impenetrable wilderness—reduced to a common denominator, thick woods.

She is a type, an abstraction, a common denominator of ‘creamy English girls.’