Facing [noun]

Definition of Facing:

an architectural finish

Synonyms of Facing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Facing:


Sentence/Example of Facing:

Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,for the facing of this hour,for the facing of this hour.

While the lawsuits against Google are collectively the largest, the company is not the only tech giant facing ire.

Liszt was seated at another grand facing me, and the room was dimly illuminated by one or two lamps.

The cigar stump held firmly between his teeth, he stood on the rug before the hearth, facing the door.

The courage of the natives proved unequal to the danger of facing such a charge.

A tall man with a rather severe cast of countenance stood facing him in silence.

Aristide gave the order to the cabman and took the little seat in the cab facing his employers.

It is on the slope facing west, and the sun floods it from nine until four.

Yung Pak was directed to seat himself on the floor in the centre of the room, facing the east.

On each side of this arch, facing the entrance door, were divans covered with embroideries and heaped with enormous cushions.