Fathomed [verb]

Definition of Fathomed:

discern, understand

Synonyms of Fathomed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fathomed:

Sentence/Example of Fathomed:

Why he ever came amongst us none ever knew; it was a mystery we never fathomed.

He fathomed every complication of heart and mind in the modern woman by an intuition of the laws which control her development.

Lin, in some way known only to herself, had fathomed Alfred's plans; she even knew the backer's name.

Eyes that would bear a world of looking in, before their depth was fathomed.

He fathomed not the unchanging love that had of late struggled into existence in the dreamy maiden's breast.

This alliance was ruptured under circumstances that took place publicly, but the undercurrent of which has never been fathomed.

The man's effrontery amazed me, but I fathomed the depth of his malice and his proposed method.

At this epoch of my Indian pilgrimage I was far, as yet, from having fathomed the metaphysical depth of a Hindu heart.

The man she had fathomed and did not fear had given place to something hard, impassive, and mechanical.

There was no branch of knowledge whose depths he had not fathomed.