Hatching [verb]

Definition of Hatching:

create, plan

Synonyms of Hatching:

Opposite/Antonyms of Hatching:

Sentence/Example of Hatching:

Those in that trough right behind you are just hatching, they're from the first batch of spawn in the early spring run.

They are hatching out some marvelous schemes to write a play together.

An incubator about hatching time is a wonderful object lesson in teaching the story of life.

The hatching of all things out of an egg was another rude conception, chiefly noted among the Finns.

“Oh, those brutes are hatching no more mischief than usual,” grumbled the latter, who was hot and tired.

The lines in sectional shading or cross-hatching may be made to denote the material of which the piece is to be composed.

Section shading or cross-hatching may sometimes cause the lines of the drawing to appear crooked to the eye.

Upon the subject of swarming, M. Huber commences with an interesting account of the hatching of the queen bee.

Your much noise has thus been a disturbance to the long-learning and hatching of the final wisdom that will be mine before I die.

There was no telling what plot they were hatching, these two souls from nations as widely different as night from day.