Repudiations [noun]

Definition of Repudiations:


Synonyms of Repudiations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Repudiations:

Sentence/Example of Repudiations:

Then he flung a hand out at Rotherby in a gesture of repudiation, of anathema.

A great cry of repudiation and horror burst from the lips of Alvarado.

And there is no repudiation like that of ——, and none like the pretended one of ——.

Now in the case of your repudiation I understand all about it.

It is but the first step in repudiation, thought the people.

In the nation at large the repudiation of the army's work was universal.

Repudiation was then in favor in Mississippi, and he opposed and denounced it.

It completed the repudiation of actuality which was the essence of the effect.

There was to be no repudiation or readjustment of debts on the ground of inability to pay.

Webster says repudiation is the act of rejecting or refusing.