Requiring [adjective]

Definition of Requiring:


Synonyms of Requiring:

Opposite/Antonyms of Requiring:

Sentence/Example of Requiring:

Of these, the single-needle instrument, requiring only one wire, is still in use.

It seemed that his eyelids were heavy, requiring an effort to lift them.

But while requiring explanations he refused to listen to them.

The soil is heavier, requiring longer and more constant cultivation.

Marion finds this a difficult duty, requiring her utmost tact.

This process is a nice one, requiring patience, care, and practice.

There is no act of Congress requiring all the books to be read.

At the same time we must not be too arbitrary about requiring a particular  name.

He joined Ferdinand in requiring Louis to desist from his impious work.

Wells attacked the government for "requiring" the Battalion to enlist.