Restlessness [noun]

Definition of Restlessness:

constant motion; discontent

Opposite/Antonyms of Restlessness:

Sentence/Example of Restlessness:

Other, though fainter, sounds than these contributed to my restlessness.

Now every minute's inaction increased this spirit of restlessness.

The difference only between the eagle and the vulture,—serenity or restlessness.

They were saddled with neither the indifference nor the restlessness of the modern intellect.

The stupor and the restlessness had alike vanished; he was in a deep sleep.

He walked round the room for a time, but could not rid himself of his restlessness.

He 412 spoke lightly, but with a note of restlessness and rebellion.

And when fate compels us to leave our mountains we are pursued by restlessness.

During this last night I was awoke by the restlessness of Amelia.

Restlessness or discontent must have peeped from behind the suave mask.