Retributive [adjective]

Definition of Retributive:


Synonyms of Retributive:

Opposite/Antonyms of Retributive:


Sentence/Example of Retributive:

In the moral elevation of her soul it seemed like an act of retributive justice.

There was a retributive justice for all those who infracted the rules of the game.

The wrath of man has worked out the retributive justice of God.

The retributive stroke, swift and visible, is not needed to declare this.

Nothing but the hand of a retributive Providence can avail to reach them.

It was retributive justice with a vengeance, was Neds further opinion.

And what a case is here presented of the retributive justice of God!

After all, is not half the world running away from retributive justice?

In it the moralist beholds the retributive justice of providence.

A retributive power had directed the fatal engines of destruction.