Rhapsody [noun]

Definition of Rhapsody:

yelling, raving

Synonyms of Rhapsody:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rhapsody:



Sentence/Example of Rhapsody:

Your rhapsody, happy or not, will it not awaken the suspicions of De Chemerant?

During this rhapsody, her hand had been on the handle of the door.

"Lots of girls are stage-struck," he said presently, breaking in on Mr. Martel's rhapsody.

I had been listening to this rhapsody with the greatest admiration, when just then Bittra came in.

She can take a Hungarian rhapsody and turn it into a goulash in about 32 bars.

The rhapsody, although genuine enough, was not satisfying to the wife.

With the purpose which the author had in view, a spice of rhapsody is no defect.

A friend once told me that he had said of me that I made arithmetic a rhapsody.

You may say, perhaps, that this is rhapsody; but what is love without rhapsody?

They had to rouse him from his rhapsody to ask the way at last.