Romans [noun]

Definition of Romans:

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Synonyms of Romans:

Opposite/Antonyms of Romans:


Sentence/Example of Romans:

This time the Romans decided to be thorough in their work of destruction.

After that the Romans sailed over from Italy and conquered her again.

We have a letter that one of those old Romans wrote to a friend.

Powerful tribes, like the Romans, Saxons and Normans, have tried to overwhelm them.

The Romans adapted their dwellings to the climate in which they lived.

Such were the old British roads which existed when the Romans came.

On the site of British earthworks the Romans established their camps.

The Romans never used coffins, and, under the empire, they burnt most of their dead.

Were the Romans as famous as the Greeks for their buildings?

During the wars the Romans had lost many of their simple ways of living.