Rungs [noun]

Definition of Rungs:

notch, step

Synonyms of Rungs:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rungs:


Sentence/Example of Rungs:

The bell had rung—the curtain was up and the performances were about to begin.

The first bell has not rung yet, and there comes Tip up the hill.

Arthur, who was preparing to attend the cathedral, for the bell had rung out, hastened in.

Any words of his, would they not have rung in her ears unceasingly?

The whole country would have rung with it, had we not been in the midst of war.

The door-bell had been rung: evidently someone was at the entrance door.

Jérôme Fandor had rung the bell of the front entrance in the rue Fabert.

Charles Wilcox had not yet rung him up for the distracting interview.

The second bell had rung, and the old parson was making ready to go ashore.

When the Bishop and Father Dan arrived, the bell was rung and we went in to breakfast.