Sidewalk [noun]
Definition of Sidewalk:
Opposite/Antonyms of Sidewalk:
Sentence/Example of Sidewalk:
He is constantly stopping or turning his horses to the sidewalk, right or left.
With a whine of remonstrance it swung wider, and Crane stepped out on the sidewalk.
Eudora paced down the sidewalk with a magnificent, stately gait.
He was aware of Angle's fluttering farewells on the sidewalk.
And then she was on the sidewalk, her face, upturned to his, vivacious with excitement.
Tell him to drive right up over the sidewalk and across the lot.
As they ran, the two splashed into a pool of water in a hollow of the sidewalk.
But how, with my cursed impulsiveness, can I always keep on the sidewalk of reason?
He stayed out on the sidewalk when his friends went into low establishments.
The clerks on the sidewalk opposite thought they could almost taste the bird.