Stove [noun]

Definition of Stove:

range; furnace

Synonyms of Stove:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stove:


Sentence/Example of Stove:

When it is cold, the dog finds a spot in front of the stove.

The daily newspaper lay by the stove, with the corner torn accusingly.

Remove from the stove, allow them to cool, and serve with cream.

(b) How should they be adjusted for cooking on top of the stove?

Why do you make such a deafening noise, you pussy cat, there behind the stove?

At last he went towards the bench behind the stove, and put them down on it.

She was at the stove, where an armful of kindling had been set off to take the chill out of the house.

We shipped a heavy sea, that stove our boat, and almost swept the decks.

If baked the day before, heat them on the stove or before the fire.

You may do them either before a clear fire or in the oven of a stove.