Truer [adjective]

Definition of Truer:

real, valid; concordant with facts

Sentence/Example of Truer:

Because we of to-day are more restless it does not follow that our views should be truer.

We only know they are truer because we are so much nearer the truth than they had the opportunity to come.

And, certainly, a truer deduction than this has never been drawn from any premises whatever.

I have one now for your ear, truer and sadder than they were.

And yet perhaps the truer the aspect the stranger it would be.

They will do this; because they will come to have truer and stronger motives.

In our aspirations after what we called a truer life there was no material taint.

This submarine is truer to type and can be made with very little trouble.

And is the satisfaction derived from that which has less or from that which has more existence the truer?

But this higher and truer point of view never appears to have occurred to Plato.