Tumefaction [noun]

Definition of Tumefaction:

increase, swelling

Synonyms of Tumefaction:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tumefaction:

Sentence/Example of Tumefaction:

If a tumefaction appears in one side, and not in the other, why so?

Thus by the law of tumefaction, death can and does succumb to its indomitable will.

Mastication, deglutition, and articulation all become impeded mechanically by tumefaction of the tissues.

The tumefaction and congestion are often continuous into the floor of the mouth and the parts adjacent.

The intermittence of the tumefaction serves to differentiate the swelling from abscess or morbid growth.

This tumefaction spreads more and more, and crackles on pressure.

On the third day all tumefaction had subsided and there was no complaint whatever.

Veins, suspended by irritation of the nerves, arteries are excited to fever heat in action with increase of tumefaction.

Webster's definition of tumefaction is to swell by any fluids or solids being detained abnormally at any place in the body.

But another power is equally as effective in destruction of life which is just the reverse of tumefaction.