Vaccines [noun]

Definition of Vaccines:

introduction into bloodstream

Synonyms of Vaccines:

Opposite/Antonyms of Vaccines:


Sentence/Example of Vaccines:

A Frankfort man has written a farce comedy called "Vaccine."

This latter is the cow-pox, from which Jenner derived the vaccine matter.

Phillip, you had the worst cold of your life when you took the vaccine.

One laboratory promised the vaccine in ten days; another said a week.

The public response to the vaccine was little less than monumental.

When unsuccessful, the vaccine matter or the technique is faulty.

Meanwhile the bacteriologists are steadily at work on a vaccine or antitoxin.

He also aided agriculture by discovering a vaccine for swine plague.

It was broad daylight by this time, and I had my lancet and vaccine lymph with me.

The vaccine is said to be prepared from cultures from this fungus.