Wean [verb]

Definition of Wean:


Synonyms of Wean:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wean:


Sentence/Example of Wean:

But I might have known that she could not, all at once, wean herself from the trumpery.

I wrote Turner Simpson to send you the pup when it was old enough to wean.

Did she wish to wean the tempestuous Judy from her old friends?

No good can come of his intimacy with Bigot; Amlie, you must wean him from it.

It's a thrawn-fac'd wean that's gotten against the father's will.

What a poisonous devil, to try and wean from us, to his ruin, an old man in his dotage!

There is a talisman in that word mine, that not approaching death can wean from life.

For the way to wean any one from a desire is not by condemnation of it.

I must not wean myself from your image by degrees, but break from the enchantment at once.

Butter but any cakes, fill any undertaker, we'll wean him from his filly.