Detectives [noun]

Definition of Detectives:

investigator of crime

Synonyms of Detectives:

Opposite/Antonyms of Detectives:


Sentence/Example of Detectives:

He wore his black evening trousers and a brown tweed jacket which one of the detectives had lent him.

Vice Squad detectives say the cult indulged in sex and drug parties.

The other two detectives were to wait in boats for the man who should be left in the yacht, and arrest him at the proper time.

At the same moment the detectives threw open the door and rushed out into the cellar.

He had heard shots from the cellar, fired by the detectives after the fleeing Craigie, and wondered what they meant.

He had seen the ward detectives standing together on the opposite side of the street.

He employed detectives but he never obtained the least clue to the whereabouts of the little child.

The White House is surrounded and guarded by detectives of various kinds.

Who these detectives are no one can say, although it has been reported that Dan Drake is in it.

The detectives had been punctilious to avoid ruffling the sensibilities of any and all.