Diatribe [noun]

Definition of Diatribe:

  • Bitter Criticism: A forceful and bitter verbal attack or criticism against someone or something.
  • Extended Discourse: A lengthy and harsh speech or piece of writing that denounces or criticizes.

Synonyms of Diatribe:

Opposite/Antonyms of Diatribe:

Sentence/Example of Diatribe:

The politician’s diatribe against his opponent was filled with personal attacks and harsh criticisms.

The editorial was a diatribe against the government’s handling of the economic crisis.

She delivered a diatribe about the flaws in the new policy during the meeting.

His diatribe on social media received mixed reactions from the public.

The critic’s diatribe against the film was scathing and harsh.

After the argument, he went on a diatribe about the incompetence of his colleagues.

The book included a lengthy diatribe on the failings of modern education.

Her diatribe on the topic of environmental neglect was passionate and forceful.

The comedian's diatribe about political correctness drew both laughter and controversy.

The professor's diatribe in class criticized the educational system’s lack of innovation.

His diatribe against the company’s unethical practices went viral online.

The speech turned into a diatribe against corporate greed and exploitation.

Her diatribe during the debate was filled with fervor and strong opinions.

The journalist’s diatribe exposed corruption within the local government.

The novel features a character who delivers a diatribe on societal norms and expectations.

His diatribe against the new law was a mix of anger and frustration.

The leader’s diatribe was aimed at rallying support against the opposing party.

Her diatribe on social injustice was both moving and provocative.

The article’s diatribe against the media’s bias was well-received by critics.

His diatribe during the town hall meeting left many people unsettled.

The columnist’s diatribe took aim at the failures of the healthcare system.

The teacher’s diatribe against the students’ lack of effort was unexpected.

The activist’s diatribe was a call to action for reform and change.

His diatribe about the decline of traditional values was met with strong reactions from various groups.

The CEO’s diatribe about industry regulations highlighted his dissatisfaction with current policies.