Eyehole [noun]

Definition of Eyehole:

hole to look through

Synonyms of Eyehole:

Opposite/Antonyms of Eyehole:

Sentence/Example of Eyehole:

The Count of Perche was slain by a sword-thrust through the eyehole of his helmet.

There was an eyehole in the door, and the lunatic, whom Mr. Collier calls Daniel, was set to watch him.

In the center of the upper edge is a very small projection or sometimes a round incision, that might serve as an eyehole.

In a short time decomposition is set up, and all the contents of the shell can be easily shaken out at the eyehole.

A mere eyehole of a window in the corner looked upon the court-yard.

The thread is fastened 524 to the eyehole by a kind of loop, the short end being twisted around the longer one.

A staple through an eyehole in the bar secured the other end of it to the rocks.