Inmost [adjective]

Definition of Inmost:


Synonyms of Inmost:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inmost:


Sentence/Example of Inmost:

Not to speak of their inmost feelings does not, on the other hand, prevent them at times from being most confidential.

After it is on the bottle, take some of the best sweet oil and with a clean sponge wet the lace thoroughly to the inmost folds.

It seemed that this great searcher of human hearts must be able to read at a glance the inmost secrets of my own.

The inmost experience of life becomes incomparably more complete for each of them.

The place of honour was not on a dais at the inmost end of the hall, like the high table in college halls.

Shaft from heaven's inmost quiver, why wert thou spent upon such a work?

Reveal the broad earth and the ends of it—make the majestic ocean open to the eye down to its inmost recesses.

We miss its inmost intent, and we divert it from its mission, if we start with saying “Let us teach girls.”

Like the very first production of her pen that I read, it is a wail from her inmost soul; so are many of her pieces.

Now he pressed the hand that guided him gratefully to his lips, and she knew that he thanked her from his inmost heart.