Medicinal [adjective]

Definition of Medicinal:


Synonyms of Medicinal:

Opposite/Antonyms of Medicinal:


Sentence/Example of Medicinal:

Now as to the verisimilitude, the miraculousness, and the fact, of this medicinal oil.

In dietetic and medicinal qualities, these fruits are also much alike.

It has its medicinal springs, which are beneficial in a variety of diseases.

In this case the medicinal virtue seems to come with the change of the moon.

Medicinal Waters, are found in different parts of the State.

It is true that there is some mineral solution in the water, but this is not of medicinal value.

Who does not know that medicinal aggravations are particularly to be dreaded in this malady?

The medicinal power which seems to be most adequate to this end, is undoubtedly Apis.

I effected all this without any other medicinal aid, or without resorting to an operation.

For medicinal purposes, we are as free as possible from all complexity.