Pelagic [adjective]

Definition of Pelagic:

Of or related to the open sea.


Synonyms of Pelagic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pelagic:


Sentence/Example of Pelagic:

The fishes of this family are all pelagic, and most of them are highly valued for food.

In their morphological characters they gradually approach the pelagic forms upwards and the abyssal downwards.

These birds are the most pelagic of all, and only visit the land to breed.

This species differs from the Pelagic chiefly in having the forehead bare.

As they are pelagic, the shells are not readily to be obtained.

The tadpoles of S. baudini, cyanosticta, phaeota, and puma are pelagic inhabitants of shallow ponds.

When disturbed the pelagic tadpoles usually dive and seek shelter amidst vegetation or in mud on the bottom.

The pelagic animals, therefore, were not found at the sea surface alone, but were also drawn from considerable depths.

Both British and American sealers have been known to fly the Japanese flag when engaged in pelagic sealing in forbidden waters.

The Cete are all predaceous, fish, pelagic crustaceans, and especially squids and cuttlefishes forming their principal food.