Residencies [noun]

Definition of Residencies:

dwelling, room

Synonyms of Residencies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Residencies:


Sentence/Example of Residencies:

On our way from the town to the Residency we passed Mr. Symes's house.

Drove to the Residency, where the fires were most acceptable.

Afterwards we strolled slowly on up the hill, towards the Residency.

Foeren was too blunt and straightforward for that; he had remained at the Residency level.

Nothing is now to be seen of the ruins and desolation of the Residency.

He walked back in silence to the Residency, Hamilton keeping pace by his side.

This residency, the smallest in Sarawak, is now in charge of a Eurasian, or half-caste.

The remainder of the troops quickly followed, and entered the Residency.

The main body was now within 500 yards of the Residency, but surrounded with enemies.

The members of the escort, available for the defense of the residency, were but about fifty men.