Restated [verb]

Definition of Restated:


Synonyms of Restated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Restated:


Sentence/Example of Restated:

Restated that the head had been removed by some one who had practised in surgery.

All that has been said, then, regarding the plant, may be restated with regard to the animal.

I then restated that the adult parasite was discovered by Dr Bancroft on December 21st, 1876.

They must therefore be attached to a sentence, or restated in independent form.

All that has been said, then, regarding the plant may be restated with regard to the animal.

Winthorpe, calmly, smilingly, restated his purpose and his motives.

Driven to bay by his bewilderment, he restated the facts of the past.

To make the League effective and beneficent its forms and duties must be restated and clearly defined.

Though this dispute was of fundamental importance throughout the mediæval period, the issues involved have now been restated.

Darwin's great achievement is to have suggested the formula in which science and history have alike been restated.