Rogueries [noun]

Definition of Rogueries:


Opposite/Antonyms of Rogueries:

Sentence/Example of Rogueries:

What iss that but roguery, for all that this Mr. Harness says!

And let us have a prelude about all this sort of roguery, like the preludes of our other laws.

This is a vile falsehood, devised for some infernal scheme of roguery.

"One must deal with a rogue according to his roguery," Colonel John retorted.

He knew by this circumstance, that it was roguery, not accident, which caused the smoke.

"No lies, no roguery, or I'll have you at the whipping-post," roared the governor.

But how could that be, when there is nothing in it but roguery!

“I am Mme. Bocardon,” she replied, with the faintest touch of roguery.

I have lived as a rogue till I have no other nature than roguery.

He did not part from us like one that had any masterpiece of roguery in view.