Showing [noun]

Definition of Showing:


Synonyms of Showing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Showing:


Sentence/Example of Showing:

Everybody said that he had only succeeded in showing that his resignation was unnecessary.

He could not refrain from showing his satisfaction with Evelyn.

Besides, as he said to a colleague, "If we did not dissolve we would be showing the white feather."

The flush of his own heavy meal kept his pallor from showing.

The Father will still be showing us something new; the something new will still be showing us the Father.

Curtain rises on second act, showing the Hotel Fonseca, at Paris.

I should never have thought you capable of showing such a lack of principle.

Jumping over a stick, you know, and showing what I would do if I met the Diné.

The dawn was just showing over the mountains, and in Sils the cocks were crowing.

That's the first showing I've had from the colt as a three-year-old; but I knew he had it in him.