Trickster [noun]
Definition of Trickster:
Opposite/Antonyms of Trickster:
Sentence/Example of Trickster:
It was a wily trap he had set me, worthy only of a trickster.
Could any trickster perform in the dark with such precision and gentleness?
I took him for a trickster, who wanted to get me ashore and jail me.
They even would have Trickster Tim to apologise and shake me by the hand.
With that I walked out of the cabin, Trickster Tim following at my heels.
What is there that he cannot, that he will not do, the trickster, the magician!
"A trick for the trickster," said L'Estrange to the Austrian prince.
Was the man a trickster, it must be more for the love than the lucre.
It was the worst I was guilty of, but it was a trick, and it branded me trickster.
Where art thou, trickster, that I may vent my fury upon thee?