Wandering [adjective]

Definition of Wandering:


Synonyms of Wandering:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wandering:


Sentence/Example of Wandering:

He had been wandering about a long time—not in years, for he was less than thirty.

For perhaps an hour Joe Drummond had been wandering up and down the Street.

She felt as if she had been wandering, and had come home to the arms that were about her.

"Yes; that is—very much," I stammered, wandering back to Helen's desk.

What was the use of wandering about the house in this disconsolate manner?

That fellow, the cousin Galloway, changes his place of abode like the Wandering Jew.

No doubt the sight of Pierre, wandering so distressfully in the gloom, had moved him.

Confound her, it was like her pale face to be wandering up and down the house!

Wandering Willie was nowhere, but the atmosphere was full of bagpipes.

Wandering Willie was not too much a fool to remember and understand.