Caterwauling [verb]

Definition of Caterwauling:

make screeching, crying noise

Synonyms of Caterwauling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Caterwauling:


Sentence/Example of Caterwauling:

Deaf Old Gentleman (seated by piano, talking to pretty girl)—I'd rather listen to you than hear this caterwauling.

From inside came the rare sound of water splashing, mixed with a wheezing, off-key caterwauling.

The night was still, save for a love-sick panther somewhere on the mountain, a-caterwauling under the June stars.

Another South American breed is said to be free from the hideous “caterwauling” of the ordinary cat.

The voices are filled with night—black hollow gloomy night or else they are as strident as the caterwauling of a Tom Cat.

On catching sight of him the animals set up a horrible caterwauling that made the blood freeze in his veins.

Again the same hideous din; the same clouds of smoke; the same hubbub of caterwauling.

One evening the Captain heard a fine caterwauling and drum beating over in the quarters, and sallied forth to investigate.

We'll try whether cold water, a dark crib, and a straight jacket won't spoil her caterwauling.

Besides, every one knows she comes caterwauling every night round Les Artaud.