Dispraising [verb]

Definition of Dispraising:


Synonyms of Dispraising:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dispraising:


Sentence/Example of Dispraising:

"I'd be slow to take Master Bob's word, either in praise or dispraise of any man," said the first speaker.

We do not say these things in dispraise of Burns: nay, perhaps, they but interest us the more in his favor.

With lepidus, illepidus, uenustus, inuenustus they are his usual terms of literary praise and dispraise.

The toast was cold, the tea had drawn too long, and for once the mistress never said a word in dispraise.

Still, I venture on remarking that the doctrine of Evolution has acquired both praise and dispraise which it does not deserve.

It is this very accuracy that almost forces us at this time to minimise and dispraise Tennyson's work.

Altho I dispraise not the defense of just immunities, yet love my peace better, if that were all.

Such new desolation as she must have felt was masked under jesting dispraise of our execrable Northern climate.

She did not even seem to see them, arranging them without a word either of praise or dispraise.

The woordes of Metellus of mariage, and wiuing with the prayse and dispraise of the same.