Jarred [verb]

Definition of Jarred:

shock, jolt

Synonyms of Jarred:

Opposite/Antonyms of Jarred:

Sentence/Example of Jarred:

I keep a collection of them in a jar specifically for adding to these drinks.

He keeps a jar of pictures by his bed and a cast the funeral home made of Christian’s hand.

Use your other clean rag to wipe the jar and chain, which should be entirely free of any residue.

You can repeat this step multiple times if your pot isn’t large enough to process all the jars at once.

Leave boiling for 15 minutes while you prepare your tomatoes, then turn off the heat and keep the jars sitting in the water.

Carefully place a flat lid on top of each jar, making sure to line up their edges.

The voices of Edna's disbanding guests jarred like a discordant note upon the quiet harmony of the night.

At this supreme moment his littleness and lack of self-assertion jarred on her mood.

The contents harped upon the same string which Richie Moniplies had already jarred.

Stephen was made of much finer stuff than Bob, but he had not the latter's graceful humor and his curtness jarred.