Plate [noun]
Definition of Plate:
dish or meal served
Synonyms of Plate:
Opposite/Antonyms of Plate:
Sentence/Example of Plate:
"I'll take another piece of fish, mother," said Robert, passing his plate.
Your eggs are carried from the kitchen to the dining-room table on a plate.
Will Nature teach them the mystery of a plate of turtle-soup?
He folded the letter, laid it down by the side of his plate, and began to eat again.
She brought a plate full of rice, and a big piece of chicken.
Pushing his plate to one side, Stineli's father put his cap on his head.
Each of the guests had now taken his bunch of grapes upon his plate.
It was suggested by a plate of apples that he happened to spy on the mantel-piece.
Helen Curtis finished her coffee, and laid her napkin beside her plate.
"You never told me your name," he said, when she returned with the plate of cakes.