amelioration [noun]

Definition of amelioration:

  • The act of making something better or improving a situation or condition.
  • An improvement or enhancement.

Synonyms of amelioration:

Opposite/Antonyms of amelioration:

Sentence/Example of amelioration:

The new policy led to a significant amelioration in working conditions.

The charity focuses on the amelioration of poverty in rural areas.

His efforts resulted in the amelioration of the school's outdated facilities.

The medication brought about an amelioration of her symptoms.

Technological advances have led to the amelioration of many everyday tasks.

The city's infrastructure saw great amelioration after the mayor's initiatives.

Efforts for environmental amelioration are crucial to combating climate change.

The company's financial amelioration was evident in its annual report.

Community programs have contributed to the amelioration of social issues.

The scientist's research aimed at the amelioration of chronic disease treatments.