Dampness [noun]

Definition of Dampness:

fumes, mist

Synonyms of Dampness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dampness:

Sentence/Example of Dampness:

After all, their homeland was a damp, wet rainforest, not exactly the perfect place for mummifying fossils, since all that moisture helps organic material decay.

Throw any damp layers from the day into the bottom of your bag — your body heat will help dry them.

Also, keep in mind that the PageRank algorithm has a “damping factor”.

Carry a container of fire-starting fuels in your survival kit for these frigid and damp occasions.

In the reishi fruiting room, the air was so thick with spores I could taste their soft, damp bitterness.

Where the dampness is excessive the fronds take on an unhealthy appearance, and mould may appear.

It had come on to rain, and the raw dampness mingled itself with the dusky uproar of the Strand.

It should always be erected on dry ground, rather than upon moist, so that no dampness may arise and injure the leaves in curing.

At the level of the ground there should be a course of hollow vitrified brick to exclude dampness and to give ventilation.

Such a position affords the best natural drainage, removes dampness, avoids inundations, gives full sunlight and the purer air.